The following guidelines are developed as references for all customers, associates and third parties looking to use Grape Solar’s trademarks and brand.

The following are general guidelines for the use of SunPower Corporation’s trademarks, logos and other branded material:

  • Unless permission is directly granted by Grape Solar, you may not use Grape Solar’s trademark.
  • Unless permission is directly granted by Grape Solar, there should not be any explicit or implicit business correlation between Grape Solar any individual, business, product, service.
  • Grape Solar prohibits any unauthorized use and misuse of all content on Grape Solar’s website including but not limited to trademark, videos, audio clips, photos, graphics, text, designed content and other content materials. You must obtain Grape Solar’s written permission before using any content for distribution and promotion.
  • The materials displayed on this website are the property of SunPower Corporation. You must be granted express permission to use SunPower’s trademarks, logos, photographs or other copyrighted material.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Trademark and Brand Guidelines, please contact us: