8-Watt Portable Device Charging Kit

The Grape Solar GoPower8 kit is a portable power solution that provides USB power when exposed to daylight. With a light, compact CIGS solar array powering a 5-Volt 1 Amp USB output, this panel can either provide USB power directly to cell phones and other devices, or it can be used to charge the 5200 mAh lithium-ion battery that is also included (the battery also has a 5 VDC USB output). Lightweight and compact design makes this kit perfect for outdoor power on the go.

Category: SKU: GO-CHARGER-8


  • Powers small USB devices like smartphones, tablets, and speakers
  • Recharges portable Li-Ion batteries
  • Small, lightweight, and portable
  • Lightweight for easy portability
  • Multiple USB charge ports
  • LED status light to monitor charging
  • Charge your smartphones, tablets, MP3 players or other USB compatible devices on the go
  • Recharge your stone battery pack via wall outlet or go charger 8-Watt solar panel